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   Home of Chale WI  

Village Hall 1 edit_edited.jpg


Chale Village Hall first opened it’s doors to the Chale Community on February 27th 1911 as a reading room and club house. The Club held twice monthly meetings for members, and the name of the Hall was then “Chale Conservative Club”. In the following months it was host to a billiard tournament, draughts match, whist drive & jumble sale. In November a smoking concert (to which ladies were invited!) took place. Speeches and songs were helped along with ginger ale, lemonade, ale, tobacco, cigarettes & whisky. 

The name of the Hall was extended to The Chale and District Working Men’s & Conservative Club, but by 1920 it was known by a much easier name “Chale Village Club”, and by 1950 the Working Men’s Club. The Club continued to host billiard games, darts matches, dancing classes, musical evenings & socials.

In 1933 the lease to the property & land was up, so it was purchased by the trustees for £25. 

In 1955, new Trustees from Chale WI were appointed, and as the Hall was no longer needed by the Chale Working Men’s Club, the Hall was gifted to the “Ladies of Chale”. 

Throughout it’s life, The Committee /Trustees continued to raise money for improvements such as  - “new billiard balls” (1914), an outside notice board (1912), an urn & enamelling of the stove (1913), the piano re-tuned, a wireless (1933) , the roof repainted (1940’s), and the floor mended (1950’s). 

The hall is presently being taken through a schedule of improvements and upgrades, (funded by events and activities), and the work continues by the present volunteer Trustees of Chale WI today. 

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